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Zwicker & Associates Debt Collectors in Oregon and Washington

Zwicker & Associates is a debt collection law firm based in New England. The company has offices throughout the United States, including Washington and Oregon. The firm employs more than 800 employees. Zwicker & Associates sues on behalf of many major credit card issuers.
Should you find that Zwicker & Associates has called you regarding debt on your credit card, it’s very likely that a lawsuit is soon coming.

When dealing with an aggressive creditor, it’s advised to seek the support of an experienced debt attorney to help you navigate settlement guidelines. This is where Northwest Debt Defense comes in. We have helped countless debtors in Washington and Oregon save significant sums of money by negotiating debt settlement payoffs for a fraction of what they originally owed. We’re ready to get started on your matter now.

About Zwicker & Associates

Zwicker & Associates represents large creditors, like credit card issuers, banks, medical providers and credit unions.  The firm is generally very well prepared to quickly provide a paper trail providing the existence of a debt. The firm is generally pretty stringent in negotiations, insisting on income documentation before evaluating settlement proposals.

The Zwicker & Associates Lawsuit

If you’ve been sued by Zwicker & Associates, you need to know this.

Debt lawsuits start with a complaint and summons. The complaint will contain allegations concerning your alleged debt. The complaint will state your identity as well as the balance to date. The summons contains the requirement for you to answer the lawsuit. Depending on the court, debtors typically have somewhere between 14 and 30 days to file a response to the lawsuit.

Ignoring a lawsuit could result in a wage garnishment being issued, where twenty-five percent of your wages are taken from your pay until the debt is paid off, or in bank levy, where the contents of your bank account are emptied without notice.  Under certain circumstances, the creditor may also place a lien on any real estate you own.

After Zwicker & Associates Serves You

Read the Complaint and look for any inaccuracies. Maybe you are not the individual identified in the complaint. You also need to check the amount of money you are being sued for. Maybe the debt is legitimate but barred by either the Oregon or Washington Statute of Limitations. Check for any and all mistakes and take note of them.  If you find an inaccuracy, you should call a debt relief law firm like Northwest Debt Defense.

Again, you have limited time to respond to the lawsuit. Failing to respond promptly could enable Zwicker & Associates to simply file a default judgment against you for the full amount.  A default judgment is a price of not taking the lawsuit seriously.

What Does Zwicker & Associates Do With The Judgment?

Whether by default or prevailing at trial, a judgment entitles Suttell Hammer to take additional action to get money from you. For example, the law firm may be able to repeatedly empty your bank account,  garnish your wages, or, under certain circumstances, place a lien on your home.  There are numerous options available to Zwicker & Associates to satisfy the judgment against you. The firm has every incentive to do so.

What’s more, you can expect to continue racking up interest on the debt after the judgment is entered. The original amount you owed could be supplemented by attorney’s fees, interest, and court costs. Zwicker & Associates will continue pursuing you and using whatever tools it has to get the money it wants.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. You have your own options, and that includes debt settlement.

How Debt Settlement Can Resolve Your Lawsuit

Debt settlement is still an option even if you’ve already had a judgment entered against you. Obviously, debt settlement is much more effective if you take action sooner rather than later. Zwicker & Associates will not be nearly as amenable to settlement once they have a garnishment in place. Reach out to a debt settlement attorney.

A debt settlement lawyer will negotiate with Zwicker & Associates. One possible approach is to make a lump-sum payment for less than what you owe. The larger the lump sum offer, the more negotiating power you have. If you can only afford monthly payments, the debt can likely be settled for a discounted amount. Northwest Debt Defense is here to help.

Call Northwest Debt Defense Today To Get Started

Debt is stressful, and a lawsuit makes it a million times worse. That’s why debt settlement is such a powerful tool. When you retain Northwest Debt Defense, we immediately get to work for you. We will review the lawsuit against you, check for any inaccuracies, and assert your rights under state and federal law.

One nice aspect of debt settlement is that the fees are entirely predictable. We only charge flat fees for cases settled before trial. Most of our Oregon and Washington clients are looking for exactly that: Speedy resolution is designed to make a  lawsuit a distant memory.

NW Debt Defense Law Firm is a Debt Relief Agency. Where appropriate we file petitions for relief under the Bankruptcy Code solely for consumers in the District of Oregon. We represent both Oregon and Washington consumers in collections law suits in Oregon and Washington state courts.

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